Avid Media Composer v6.5.0
Avid Media Composer v6.5.0 - является лучшим выбором для профессионального редактирования фильмов и видео в отрасли. Если вы редактируете фильмы, телепередачи, рекламные ролики, или другое видео, то этот редактор нелинейного видемонтажа обеспечит 64-разрядную производительность, удобство в использовании инструментов для редактирования видео, упорядоченную обработку HD, а также стерео 3D-процесс. Открытая платформа позволяет тесно работать со всем механизмом программы, так что вы легко сможете интегрироваться в любой рабочий процесс. Кроме того, продукт разработан так, чтобы максимально оптимизировать все этапы кинопроизводства, позволяя Вам работать быстрее чем когда-либо.
Avid Media Composer v6.5.0 позволяет вам работать практически с любым медиа-контентом, в том числе с последними файловыми версиями и ленточными форматами. Используйте профессиональные ленточные форматы, такие как HDCAM SR, Digital Betacam, D5, DVCPRO HD и Betacam SP, а также другие популярные форматы файлов: Avid DNxHD, ProRes, и uncompressed. Всегда сохранять высокое качество несжатого 4:2:2 или 4:4:4 видео на протяжении всего процесса редактирования. С новой 64-битной архитектурой Media Composer 6 легко справляется с воспроизведением многослойных эффектов в реальном времени и любой визуализацией!
Что нового в Media Composer 6.5:
• Version and archive finished sequences with AS-02 - With support for the AS-02 MXF mastering format through AMA, managing multiple versions of the same sequence is easy, as AS-02 packs everything into a single bundle without duplicating assets, saving storage space. Seamlessly move content between Avid and other systems that support AS-02. Use JPEG 2000, DNxHD, IMX, AVC-Intra, and uncompressed media in your AS-02 workflow. And because AS-02 is an open industry standard, you’ll eliminate time wasted on repackaging content.
• Create master-quality archives with JPEG 2000 - Encode and decode sequences—in mastering quality—using the JPEG 2000 codec, which helps preserve the quality of versioning and archival content in an AS-02 workflow. And because JPEG 2000 content offers resolution scalability and holds up over multiple generations when moving content across different vendors’ solutions, you gain future flexibility with archived content.
• Export content using AMA - AMA makes it easy to access and edit file-based media without transcoding. Now you can use AMA to export files back to the media’s original source format for archiving or final delivery. AMA writeback is available for HDCAM SR, with more on the way as our partners update/develop their AMA plug-ins. And with new AMA Volume export support, you can create AS-02, JPEG 2000, DNxHD, AVC-I, and other file-based media volumes for roundtrip workflows, sharing, or archival.
• Set and output AFD sequences - With new Active Format Description (AFD) support, you can create, edit, set, and deliver HD content, and rest assured that it’ll be presented optimally to your audience as intended - even when down-converted and reformatted to a different aspect ratio. Simply select an AFD code for a sequence, and your settings will carry through your output.
• Relink clips using common metadata - Gain more freedom and flexibility to interact with media from other software applications. With advanced relink support, you can dynamically reconnect clips to the original or new media using a wide variety of common metadata fields - anything that’s being tracked.
• Open up your workflow with hardware release - With the new hardware release control, which works with Avid and third-party I/O hardware, you can activate/deactivate your hardware - without disconnecting it - to access software-only features, such as full screen playback mode and audio project settings options. You can also share your third-party hardware and monitor between Media Composer and other applications without quitting or rebooting software.
• Work faster with advanced audio keyframing - Save time when editing soundtracks. With new audio keyframe enhancements, you can now copy, paste, cut, move, and adjust audio keyframes - including groups - anywhere on the timeline. You can even delete those hidden audio keyframes that can occur as you trim a clip, with just a click.
• Mix up to 64 audio voices - Monitor more complex soundtracks with support for up to 64 audio voices. Combined with robust audio tools, 7.1 surround sound and RTAS plug-in support, and unmatched integration with Pro Tools, the Media Composer family of products offers the best built-in audio tools for video editors than any other NLE.
• Plus: Edit titles directly from the timeline; Automatically relink to all AMA QuickTime files
Системные требования:
- OS: Windows 7 Professional SP1 (64-bit)
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz processor or faster
- Memory: 4 GB of RAM (6+ GB of RAM recommended for Windows 7 and Windows Vista)
- Graphics Card: NVIDIA Quadro FX family (FX 560 or higher)
- Internal Hard Drive: Minimum 80 GB 7200 rpm hard disk
Разрядность: 64-bit
ОС: Windows 7 x64
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Таблетка: В наличии.
Размер: 1,77 ГБ